Photos of locations showing english and british pill boxes, pillbox, bunkers and anti-tank defences built to resist a German invasion of England in World War 2.
Searchlight the international anti fascist magazine, 25 years fighting racism and fascism
Stand and Deliver: History of Highway Robbery and Highwaymen
UK based long established manufacturers of anti vibration mounts. Similar structure-borne noise control products include matting, rubber mountings and building isolation...
The children and young people in England have a voice - Children's Commissioner for England, Professor Sir Al Aynsley-Green, Maggie Atkinson and Sue Berelowitz.
Web site of the International Movement Against Bullfights. Revealing the cruel torture involved in bullfights. In English, French, Portuguese, Spanish and Italian.
Kickstop - largest manufacturer of crime prevention secondary door security products to resist kick-in attack and forced entry of doors - online shop