Family operated farm home camp in the mountains of Western North Carolina, co-ed, ages 7-12 years old. Our Quaker philosophy stresses cooperation while experiencing natu...
outdoor gear store,for Ice-grips, Warmitup, Primus, Trangia and outdoor equipment including tents, stoves, altimeters, compasses, LED torches, and much more.
GoXplore is an online community covering all outdoor activities, exploration, and technique including climbing, caving, walking, hiking and mountaineering. Other features...
Gap Year guide for Gap Year Travel, Gap Year Work, Volunteer Programs, Year Out & Career Break. Featuring Tours, Adventure Holidays, Gap Year Volunteering Projects, Pa...
This site is dedicated to the art of backpacking with lighter loads - Less is More! This site will cover the basic philosophy behind Backpacking Lite, choosing kit, choos...
Derbyshire Tent Manufacturer: Lightweight Backpacking tents, Expedition, mountaineering Tents and Family Camping Tents. Extremities Outdoor Clothing - Hats, gloves, socks...
Your link to Northern Ireland: Genealogy, Weather, Accommodation, Directories of Links, Discussion Boards and much more!
escape 2 is a shop based in the UK which provides a relaxed and pleasant environment in which to purchase clothing and equipment for climbing, canoeing, camping and trekk...
Baja California Mexico budget backpacking road trips and earth friendly camping adventures to beautiful beaches, mountains and deserts with new friends from around the wo...
Find cheap worldwide backpackers insurance and travel insurance from, providing the best cover with special offer and a range of gap year and backpacking insu...