FPT Software - Leading Software Outsourcing Service Provider in...
FPT Software is the leading software outsourcing company in Vietnam with 3,500+ engineers. The company is has achieved CMMI level 5, ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 27001:2005. Wit...
Indus BPO - Business Process Outsourcing , Lead Generation , Cal...
Business Process Outsourcing , Lead Generation , Call Center , Voice Broadcasting , Website Developing , SEO , Email Marketing
Contact Centers Uruguay
It aims to study whether a contact center located in Uruguay offers optimal conditions for the export of such services and promote investment in this industry in our coun...
Placement Consultants in Pune,Jobs in Pune,Job Opportunities in...
Placement Consultants in Pune - Welcome Consultancy- Elite Placement consultant in Pune,are highly engaged in the business of recruiting people to the various job opening...
Offshore Outsourcing Companies| BPO Companies in India| ePublish...
i-Constech, IT outsourcing company provides Offshore Outsourcing, ePublishing, data entry customer services helping start-up to mature businesses for high-performance
JSOFT - BPO services provider in RAJKOT, Gujarat, INDIA
JSOFT provides various BPO services like data entry service, data processing service and data conversion service, also provides voice & non-voice customer support fro...
Welcome To Utree Jobs Site
Search & Apply Jobs in India - Jobs in IT, Sales, Marketing, Administrator, Testers, Editors, Designers, Freshers, Managers, Consultants, Programmers
Jobs36 Philippines - Local and Abroad Job Vacancies, Filipinos...
All about Local and Abroad Job hiring, under by DOLE and POEA. Updated daily, Jobs in Metro Manila, Jobs in Bulacan and Jobs in Quezon City.
BPO Services: Outsourcing Data entry & BPO services to Smit Info...
Smitinfotech - provides solution for Data Entry, data processing, Forms filling, Data Mining, web design, seo services, medical billing, bpo services. smitinfotech is uni...

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