The Wessex Institute of Technology is a postgraduate research centre with an international reputation for engineering excellence. Within the Institute there are curre...
OPUS - Oil is your wealth, the environment is your future.
Opus is the brand name of Opus Maxim and Opus Plus - two companies that together offer the Oil and Gas industry a unique blend of bespoke skills embracing all aspects of...
IMA Nottingham - The Intelligent Modelling & Analysis Research G...
Research, Research Papers, Research Grants, University of Nottingham, Data Mining, Data Analysis, Data Modelling, Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Immune Systems, Comp...
Please select a WIT Press service...
WIT Press is a major publisher of engineering research. The company prides itself on producing books by leading researchers and scientists at the cutting edge of their sp...
IDAC FEA UK - Finite Element Analysis (FEA) & Computational...
Welcome to IDAC - computer-aided engineering technology and engineering design analysis software products and services.
GAP System for Computational Discrete Algebra
GAP system for computational discrete algebra, especially computational group theory
Pearson's Knowledge Technologies Home
Pearson Knowledge Technologies (PKT PKR KAT KATech) Home of the Intelligent Essay Assessor (IEA) and other Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) applications
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Quantitative Finance Code Index
Collect codes in quantitative finance investment field, for instance, derivative calculator source code, black sholes model, etc.

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