Anana Customer Interaction Management Solutions
Anana provide specialist Systems Integration for Carrier and Enterprise Clients around the world for Customer Interaction Management. Call Centre Solutions, IVR Solutions...
Premier Communications - Solutions for all your communications
Premier Communications - for all your communications
VoiceIPComms – Business Phone Systems, IP Phone systems, Network...
Voice IP Comms are the Premier Provider of business telephone systems in the UK. Are services include (Telephone systems, VOIP, Hosted Telephony, Network Cabling , IT sol...
Call Logging, Call Recording, CTI & Wallboard Solutions - Oak Te...
Call Logging software, Call Recording systems, CTI, and Wallboards. Whatever your PBX, whatever your requirements, we have a solution for you.
Audio Conference Bridge. Computer Telephony Integration. Confere...
Audio Conference Bridge. Conference Calling. Computer Telephony Integration. IVR. CTI Solutions. Fax-on-Demand. Fax Broadcast. Distance Learning. CRM. Auto Attendant. Voi...
Компания «Альфа Си Ти Ай» ( Alpha CTI ). Телекоммуникации и сред...
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Сайт компании Альфа Си Ти Ай. Разработка и поставка систем компьютерной телефонии. CTI. Платы ОЛЬХА, Intel Dialogic. Call center, CRM. Шлюзы IP-телефонии. Системы регист...