ASP, VBScript, Microsoft Access, SQL Server, database development services.
Vendor independent software tools for ATM application development, EMV smartcard compliance, testing, and content management
Idox group is a leading developer and supplier software solutions and services to local government for core functions relating to land, people and property.
The Webroster Group is focused on technology mainly in the Care industry mainly in rostering, workforce managememt and Social Care Marketplaces
Real estate development services, commercial real estate development, Entry Only listing, limited service listing, Entry Only Ma, Flat fee listing, flat fee mls, entry on...
Carbondale is nestled in the heart of the Colorado Rockies, surrounded by beautiful vistas and ample outdoor recreation opportunities.
I have been a freelance web developer in London for the last 10 years. For all your web design and web development come to Henry Hughes, aka HdotNET, in London. I am the...