Rapid diagnostics tests for infectious diseases To serve our global customers providing safe, reliable and cost effective solutions offering a wide range in-vitro diagnos...
Pocket Diagnostic - Rapid On-site Plant Virus, & Disease Tes...
Pocket Diagnostic is the market leader for on-site plant disease testing. We produce easy to use, rapid test kits for plant diseases caused by fungi, bacteria and viruse...
European Calcified Tissue Society - Home
The European Calcified Tissue Society - The largest organization in Europe dedicated to promote basic and clicinal research in the field of bone diseases
Portable oxygen, O2 concentrator & medical home oxygen equip...
Pure O2 supply portable oxygen concentrators, measuring and health related O2 products for the treatment of respiratory diseases - call 0870 712 0202
Contact a Family - for families with disabled children: informat...
Contact a Family is a UK charity for families with disabled children. We offer information on specific conditions and rare disorders.
Myelin Project UK. Multiple Sclerosis, Leukodystrophy Research
The Myelin Project UK. Multiple Sclerosis and Leukodystrophy Research
Bulgarian Property, Property in Bulgaria, Real estate in Bulgari...
недвижимость в сандански, недвижимость в болгарии, продажа недвижимость, продажа недвижимость в сандански, продажа недвижимость в болгарии, квартиры, виллы, дома, аппарта...
BSDA: Supporting The Poor in Kampong Cham Cambodia | Buddhi...
BSDA supoports the poorest of the poor, especially focusing its efforts on reaching the truly impoverished, street children and orphans.

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