Spin101.com - All the News That's Fit to Spin
News site for exploring current events and issues in depth, inquiring into issues, writing about both sides of issues from exploratory, academic perspective.
COMBAT FILMS AND RESEARCH | films, documentaries, analyses, and...
Combat Films & Research (CF&R) is a small, conflict oriented, think-tank that uses film and video footage as its primary source for research.
Living Downstream | Home Page
Feature documentary film based on the book by ecologist and cancer survivor Sandra Steingraber, Ph.D. Produced by The People's Picture Company and directed by Chanda...
Video to text transcription services and Software | SEO webinar...
Videotranscriptionstar is the byword for video transcription services. Film Production, television, and other online video firms entrust us with all their transcribing ne...
dev.tv - /
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dev.tv produces news items and documentary features about development issues for broadcast by television companies worldwide
Micron Associates: News Documentary
This site brings you the latest and greatest news/article updates around the globe which aspires to become aware, entertain, and for you to be moved.
INDIAbetes | The Twin Epidemics of Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity
INDIAbetes will be a documentary film and television project aimed at raising awareness of diabetes and obesity risk and knowledge of ways to prevent development of these...
Softwares | Games | Music | Songs| Online TV| Online Movies| Movies|Cartoons| TV Series| WWE| Movie Pack| Free Direct Downloads, direct download movies in high quality in...
Andrejs Lazdins Photography
Andrejs Eduards Lazdins Portfolio: Underwater, Commercial/ Advertising, Action Sports, Travel, Lifestyle, Nature, Product, Aerial Photography. Working with Film, DSLR, a...

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