intY | Enterprise Cloud Computing Solutions
Hosted Exchange and business email. Hosted SharePoint and Dynamics CRM. Integrated management tools, Software as a service solutions. Email and web security. Availab...
Leading Microsoft Dynamics CRM consultants - Hosted Microsoft CR...
Pythagoras are leading experts for Microsoft Dynamics CRM, Sage 200 and Qlikview. We have implemented Microsoft CRM, Accounts / ERP, and Business Intelligence software so...
Avant-Garde partner for Microsoft Dynamics and Sage software spe...
London based partner and dealer for Microsoft Dynamics and Sage Software including Microsoft Dynamics CRM, Microsoft Dynamics Great Plains, sage Line 100, Sage MMS, Sage...
Inner Game Tapping
Improve your Inner Game using a mild hypnotic technique, without even talking to a girl!
FlightScanner is a web-based search and booking tool that displays real time pricing and availability from low cost carriers, the GDS plus your own net fares and provides...
New Product Design and Development
Unique Dynamics, Inc. can design a new product or develop a new product idea that will accent your current line
OPUS - Oil is your wealth, the environment is your future.
Opus is the brand name of Opus Maxim and Opus Plus - two companies that together offer the Oil and Gas industry a unique blend of bespoke skills embracing all aspects of...
IT Group International : Accountancy software for the Constructi...
Construction software experts IT Group deliver their Commercial Management Suite based on Microsoft Dynamics technology as well as a full range of ERP solutions for all o...
Process Manufacturing ERP Software | ERP Solutions
BatchMaster is the largest Microsoft independent software vendor (ISV) providing formula based process manufacturing ERP software solutions to mid-market enterprises worl...

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