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OpenEDU � una piattaforma per l'elearning per scuole, aziende ed enti che integra in un solo prodotto moodle, joomla ed exelearning.
c-eLT provides eTutoring support for Maths, Statistics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology & Accounting. We provide online subjects tutor for learning subjects online.
PathXchange is the largest online pathology community. Membership is always FREE! See thousands of amazing cases shared by pathologists worldwide.
Over 15 years experience in delivering marketing and internet marketing specialist courses to business professionals from around the world through online learning, elearn...
Wine Campus is a well established wine college bringing professional distance and f2f wine education to students worldwide.
BYG systems specialise in the development of bespoke and blended e-learning solutions. We develop multimedia training suitable for delivery by internet, intranet and CD R...
Aprende inglés con ejercicios periódicos. Refuerzo de inglés y repaso de dudas mediante ejercicios autocorregibles que incorporan la gramática explicativa. Organiza tu cu...
Find training director jobs, training manager jobs, human resources director jobs and training director job description. Search director of training jobs, training direct...