The Brixton Pound - Money that sticks to Brixton - B£
The Brixton Pound (B£) is money that sticks to Brixton. It’s designed to support Brixton businesses and encourage local trade and production. It’s a complementary currenc...
Supporting Kent's Businesses. Abandon the supermarket, encourage...
Use your local small shops to keep them going, before the only choice you have is a supermarket.
Bird Feeding Station Wooden Bird Tables, Wild Bird Feeder Poles...
The bird feeding station offers wooden bird tables, wild bird feeders and bird stations / poles that will encourage wild birds to your garden
Website and Graphic Design Agency in the West Midlands, Flash Mo...
Flash Monkey Web Design - Birmingham, West Midlands. We work closely with our clients, to motivate, nurture and encourage their ideas in order to achieve their online obj...
The Worshipful Company of Plaisterers | 46th Livery Company of t...
- Welcome to the site of the Worshipful Company of Plaisterers, the 46th Livery Company of the City of London, which exists to encourage excellence in all aspects of plas...
COSCA - Counselling in Scotland
COSCA is the national, professional organisation for Counselling in Scotland, CASCA aims to support and promote all forms of Counselling, encourage good training and prac...
Best Companies - The Workplace Engagement Specialists
Our mission is to encourage positive employee engagement through the adoption of Best Practice in a way that promotes employee welfare whilst acknowledging the direct lin...
TERE - Teachers Enterprise in Religious Education
The Teachers Enterprise in Religious Education is to share good resources, ideas, initiatives with colleagues and hopefully to encourage other schools to contribute to it...
CALL WAITING... The Church of England
CALL WAITING is an initiative of the Church of England to help identify and encourage young people - Christians aged 13 to 30 - to consider ordained ministry
Street Furniture for Urban Spaces of Towns and Cities - Bailey S...
Bailey Streetscene sells street furniture to decorate urban spaces in UK towns and cities. Buy benches, bike sheds, cycle stands, bus shelters, bollards and cigarette bin...

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