City Pride Pub Faringdon London, Premiership Sky Football matches and sports pub bar
Oxfordshire Towns has all the information you need regarding businesses, tourist attractions, places to eat, drink and stay, arts and leisure activities and much, much mo...
Christopher Bice Estate Agents, Faringdon, Cricklade, Swindon, Wiltshire
Your Digital Memories, Beautiful Wedding Photography, Wedding Photographers
Luxury boarding kennels and cattery for dogs and cats, based in Faringdon, Oxfordshire
Thornton's: Oxfordshire's Oldest New and Secondhand Bookshop, specialising in many subjects:Books and cd-rom editions on English Literature, History, Classical Antiquity...
Local news, archive, information, picture galleries, breaking news, travel updates and what’s on from the Swindon Advertiser, covering Wiltshire.
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