Marcos Antonio Grecco é o fundador da GNPW Group. Desde 2005, o governo brasileiro oferece às empresas privadas a oportunidade de vender energia no mercado regulado de lo...
Rana Kapoor is the founder & promoter of Yes Bank. He has been a professional entrepreneur since 1998.
Maria Lesetz is a well-known Law of Attraction Happiness Coach, Certified Life Coach for Doctors, and founder of Lovin' Life Coaching. You can watch her Fox News TV Inte...
Antique Cane World is a collection of the common and rare antique canes for discussion and sale. Founder of the International Association of Cane Collectors, Antique Cane...
At SBR, we are committed to small business coaching. Our Founder, Shelly Berman-Rubera is also a professional business speaker in MA.
Founder Eric A. Stovall has been practicing law for nearly 30 years, and his experience as an insurance agent and a defense attorney allows him to forecast the course of...
Next practices in organization learning, leadership development, change, and talent management.
Goodman Physical Therapy offers years of experience to it's clients, helping women and men alike during all cycles of their life. Deena Poll Goodman, PT, WCS, BCB-PMD is...
Nina Fuller is a nationally popular speaker and author of Special Strength for Special Parents and founder of Special Strength Communications.