Explore the Hampshire countryside with a stay in the luxury Langstone Hotel near Portsmouth. The 4-star, quality accommodation supports a range of private and business fu...
Live Band Mn4 play Rock, Pop, Dance and Disco music. Available for weddings, parties or other functions. Covering Annan Dumfries Galloway Lockerbie, Cumbria Carlisle Penr...
Formula 13 Limited London based Events Management Company, 91 Peterborough Road, London, SW6 3BU, 020 7083 7213, info{a}formula13.co.uk
The Union Jack Club is a private members club for serving and ex-serving military personnel of many countries, together with the emergency services such as police, fire a...
Magic disco. Music at its best for Weddings and functions in Southport, Merseyside, Lancashire, Cumbria, Cheshire, North West.
Langdon Court Hotel (01752 862 358) is a Luxury Hotel located in Plymouth, South Devon providing excellent Bed and Breakfast accommodation, Fine Dining and can accommodat...
A delightful medieval barn set in the heart of Dorset near Sherborne which is an ideal venue for wedding receptions and other events.
pestcontrolservicenyc delivers termite control, flea control, and much more. Pest control service nyc is an exterminator that specializes in the extermination of carpent...
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