CRUE ERANET - European Flood Research programmes - joint funding...
The CRUE network consolidates existing European flood research programmes, promotes a joint funding initiative, best practice and collaborative flood research between 16...
TradeRisks Limited
TradeRisks provides advice, financing and risk management solutions to UK and international corporates and sovereign entities. We offer clients conviction advice based on...
Home | Arts Industry - First for news and jobs for the culture i...
Arts Industry is the house magazine for Britain's cultural community, providing the news, features, interviews and insights that inform our artists and arts managers, and...
Investment, Pensions and Financial Planning Advice by Arch Finan...
Investment, Pensions and Financial Planning Advice by Arch Financial Planning Limited, Surrey, independent financial advisers and financial planners
Business advice and support for Scotland's growing businesses
We work with ambitious companies and industries to support business growth and develop Scotland's business environment
Kent Sport Leisure and Olympics Service | Kent Sport | Kent Coun...
This is your first point of call for everything to do with sport in Kent. The Kent Sport Leisure and Olympics Service develops sport and provides a focus for sports issue...
CITO - Caravan Industry Training
CITO is the organisation responsible for providing training information and support throughout the UK caravan, holiday and residential parks industries...
Barchester Ireland - Quality Nursing Homes and Care Homes in Ire...
Barchester Ireland delivers quality nursing homes, private residential and personal care for continuing care categories - dementia, young chronic, neuro-rehab

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