Natural Enterprise provides environmental consultancy services, economic development work, ecology, business strategy, climate change adaptation, marketing and communicat...
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The Science and Technology Facilities Council or STFC supports and funds science & technology in a broad cross-section of the UK research community as well as in educ...
The Centre for Social Justice is an independent think tank putting social justice at the heart of British politics.
Ixion Holdings works with all major Government funding bodies and policy makers to ensure that public funds meet the needs of businesses and individuals.
Sport England is the brand name of the English Sports Council which is a distributor of Lottery funds to sport
Close Invoice Finance: The independent cash flow and funding provider to business. National and global finance funding for cash-flow needs. Invoice finance, full service...
we provide consultancy services on corporate insurance requirements and also provide consultancy on enhancing the use of software products in the office
East of England Stem Cell Network
DanceEast, Jerwood DanceHouse, National dance agency, east of England, Ipswich, Suffolk