Florists at Florist Direct
The online florists that deliver flowers direct to London, nationwide UK and overseas next day.
barbon insurance group - the HOME of insurance
Barbon is one of the UK's largest property insurance specialist offering fast and affordable insurance solutions throughout Europe. The Barbon website is designed to prov...
Institute of Civil Funerals
Institute of Civil Funerals. Regulatory body for the provision quality and growth of Civil Funerals
Welcome to SEIB
SEIB - Specialist equine insurance brokers. Online quotes for Horses, Trailers, Horseboxes, Equestrian Business, Private Car Hire, Pets and Travel. SEIB, A better way to...
London Florists for London Flower Delivery - London Florists Onl...
London Florist Directory - Find UK London Online Florists - Looking to find a real not virtual London UK florist to buy and send flowers - order London UK flowers online...
SAIF - Home
What and who is SAIF? The National Society of Allied and Independent Funeral Directors (SAIF) is a trade organisation whose members are INDEPENDENT FUNERAL DIRECTORS man...
Inspirational Thoughts, Verses, Poems, Prayers, and Sayings
Inspirational Thoughts, Verses, Poems, Prayers, and Sayings
Riche de Fleurs - Witney contemporary floristry flowers for wedd...
We provide flowers that are beautiful, inspiring and visually stunning from Witney providing Contemporary Designer Floristry in the Cotswolds, Oxfordshire and London.

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