Located on the University of Sussex in Brighton, UK IDS is one of the world’s leading organisations for international development research, teaching and communications. I...
Information and links for the history of gender and sexuality, my Stella Browne research, archives and books
The inspiration for my illustrations is drawn from contemporary photography,films,popular culture and art from the Renaissance to today. I am especially interested in the...
Prowess - promoting women's enterprise support. A UK wide trade association
Fawcett campaigns for gender equality in the UK, looking at women's rights in issues such as equal pay, pensions, poverty, justice and politics.
My bodywork system addresses 3 key levels of consciousness. Breema, Esalen, Swedish, deep tissue
and connecting Spirit or Eros and consciousness to arrive at body,mind,s...
Информационно-образовательный ресурс посвящен гендерным проблемам, феминистской теории и практике, а так же правам человека в Украине.