Our company is a manufacturer of VoIP Gateways, GSM VoIP gateways, Industrial Routers with well-equipped testing devices and strong technical force.
Ремонт iPhone, Samsung, Xiaomi, Huawei и др. Замена батареи, замена дисплея. Также ремонтируем ноутбуки компьютеры - Moldova.СервисПоинт
Reparatii Iphone, Samsung, Xiaomi, Huawei etc. Înlocuire baterie, înlocuire display-uri. Deasemenea efectuăm reparația laptopurilor | calculatoarelor - Moldova.ServicePoi...
DinstarIndia is a leading telecom solutions provider in India. We provide Analog VoIP gateways, GSM Gateways, and calling gateways for call centers, small businesses, and...
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Oglasi za nepremičnine, avtomobile, telefone, iphone, tablične računalnike, motokultivatorje, ter ostalo. Oddaja in ogled oglasov brezplačno.