(¯`´•.¸ ♥ Najbolji Statusi ♥ ¸.•´´¯) | Naj statusi na jednom mje...
Facebook je pun smesnih, cool statusa, slika, komentara i svega ostalog. Mi svakodnevno nalazimo bisere ljudi sa ovog prostora i postavljamo ih za Vas.
Soyiweb - Internet, deportes, ánime, humor, tecnología...
En Soyiweb encontrarás todo tipo de contenido, como: análisis de sitios web como Cinetube, partidos de futbol, los mejores videos y todas las noticias tecnológicas.
NiceBallz | Golf reviews, commentary and humor. NiceBallz gives...
Golf reviews, analysis, commentary, opinion, humor and satire. NiceBallz gives it to you straight, even if your golf game isn’t.
H-SPOT.com | How Players Do It
H-SPOT.com is home to the How Players Do It *** guide and features daily content related to ***, college, style & humor.
Das Tagebuch des Knut
Das Tagebuch des Knut ist eine knackige Mischung aus Satire, Sarkasmus, Ironie und Zynismus. Das Synonym Knut steht dabei für den Verfasser der einzelnen Tagebu...cheintr...
Pobavilo - nejsrandovnější vtipy, nejzábavnější obrázky, nejvtip...
Vtipy, obrázky a videa přidáváme každý den! Přijďte se pobavit !
World Wide Words
Contains articles from the backrest issues of over 9000 magazines, journals, craft publications and newspapers. Hunting our online article repository or graze by category...
BigSites.com - A Big List of Silly and Fun Websites
Links to the most fun, silly, and coolest sites on the Web.
Tupelo Disc Golf Association - Promoting Disc Golf throughout Mississippi

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