Mock The Week
Official website for the hit BBC Two topical comedy TV panel show Mock The Week, hosted by Dara Ó Briain with Hugh Dennis, Andy Parsons, Russell Howard and other g...
The Sleaze: Top British Political Satire, News Parody and Surrea...
Political Satire, News Parody, Spoof Funny News, Current Affairs Humor, News Satire, Fake Politics Scandal and Surreal Humour!
short stories at east of the web
Large online library of short stories with monthly features and additions. Classics and new writing - includes summaries, biographies and analysis. User-friendly layout...
Dr.Dudd's world of the cartoon and jokes, with free cartoon requ...
Dr.Dudd's world of cartoons and jokes with fun and humour, free cartoon requests and dedications
Graham Masterton: The Official Site
The Official Graham Masterton site includes a biography, full interactive bibliography, up-to-date news, interviews, a message board and links to other places of interest...
Waste your office day with
A site for bored office workers. Waste five minutes here, with various ways to while a away a little time when you're bored stupid!
Tom Millington Wedding Photography
Unobtrusive Wedding Photography. Capturing unrepeatable moments, with style and humour, as they happen to real people in real time. Covering weddings in the Midlands, Eas...
Adult Swim | Full Episodes, Video Clips & Games
The official site of [adult swim] UK - watch full episodes and video clips of Robot Chicken, Aqua Teen Hunger force, Metaloclypse and more. Play free online games and dow...

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