PD Rotomouldings plc
We are specialists in the rotational moulding of plastic products. Typical products are IBC's, recycling containers like Bottle Banks and Oil Banks or Industrial Containe...
Matcon IBC (Intermediate Bulk Container) Systems - Bulk Containe...
Matcon specialize in providing solutions for powder handling, granules, tablets and other materials in IBCs Intermediate Bulk Containers
Tycon Container Group - Industrial Bulk Container Services and I...
Tycon Container Group provide IBC's, and IBC services across the globe. We offer intermediate bulk containers for all applications including petrochemical, food, hazrado...
Smiths - the Tank and Drum Experts
Tanks and Drums for Fuel, Water or Chemicals in plastic and steel. New and recycled. Oil Tanks include Single Skin, Conical, Baffled, Bunded Tanks, Fuel Stations and Wast...
Rotomoulding, Rotational Moulding, Plastic Moulding - Haywood Ro...
Plastic Parts and Rollet Plastic Rollcages Manufacturer - CAD design, toolmaking and plastic rotomoulding products including automotive components, roadside furniture, la...

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