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John Lambert, Naval Illustrator and Author, Warship Plans and Drawings as well as Naval Weapon Systems, from 1900 to 1950, Royal Navy and some US Navy. For the warship b...
Mark Richards is an outdoor writer and illustrator. He is the author of Great Mountain days in the Lake District
Find a fantasy illustrator or artist, fantasy art, information on illustrators and artists with portfolios and biographies
Colin Stimpson, established Disney visualiser and illustrator. Colin’s goal is to continue to work in both animation and illustration and he hopes at some stage to...
Jethro Haynes, Illustrator, sculptor, designer. Address: Studio 1.7, 1-5 Vyner street, london, E2 9DG, UK. NEW SITE! Contact: jethro{a} or +44 (0) 7970 840...
Сайт посвящен 3D и 2D графике. Уроки 3D Max, Maya, 3D модели, чертежи автомобилей, Уроки Фотошопа, Фотошоп, Vray, Corel Draw, Flash, Adobe After Effects, Lightwave 3D, Ci...