pictures & information on blackflies (diptera: simuliidae), interest groups, meetings and a discussion forum
Animal, Animals, animal facts, animal information, wildlife. Also including Rainforests, Galapagos wildlife, Pets, Marine Life and Farm animals.
Order with confidence and save money by buying from Britains leading Livefood breeder. All prices quoted on this site include delivery so there are no unwelcome surprises...
Home pest control systems and food hygiene using domestic fly screening products.
Pest control services in Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, East Anglia. Pest Solution Limited, the answer to all your pest problems including small domestic properties to large i...
Spidermite control is a safe, pesticide free, effective control of the spidermite in indoor plants
Keeping exotic insects at home, including stick insects, giant mantis, scorpions, tarantula and more, Welcome to Easy Insects - the home of entomology in the UK
Get Stuffed is an old established company dealing with all aspects of taxidermy.