Experience the Blessings! Lets get back to how Yeshua, his apostles and the jewish christians lived and served Yahve
The messianic world with the Saltshakers Messianic Community
for news, views and prayer for Israel, an introduction to the Christian gospel for Jews and a balanced...
The largest single department of the London Beth Din is the Kashrut Division. Kosher licensing of over 70 restaurants, hotels, bakeries. Supervision of some 3000 catered...
The Religious Education Council of England and Wales was established in 1973 to represent the collective interests of a wide variety of professional associations and fait...
Bnei Akiva is the UK’s largest Jewish youth movement, and educates towards the goals of Torah, Avodah and Aliyah. With over 30 UK branches, summer and winter camps, Israe...
Thornton's: Oxfordshire's Oldest New and Secondhand Bookshop, specialising in many subjects:Books and cd-rom editions on English Literature, History, Classical Antiquity...