Performance Management Coaching (PMC) specialises in developing individuals and team skills in all managers and supervisors, regardless of industry or sector.
MotivAction is an established organiser of creative conferences and corporate team building; with 20 years conference production experience in the UK and also covering He...
Sustainable Places gives expert advice on planning, designing and managing a sustainable place. It includes 15 clear priorities for action alongside guidance on effective...
Sustainability South West is the independent Champion Body for sustainable development in the SW of England. The charity champions action on sustainability through awaren...
WorldWork Ltd. builds the capability of individuals, teams and organisations to create and enjoy constructive relationships with partners from other countries. They do th...
Kent Top Temps is a dynamic employment agency, providing excellence and leadership in the flexible staff market.
The Official Website of the Prime Minister of Zimbabwe Morgan Richard Tsvangirai. A New Era of Democratic and Transparent Leadership.
Political Intelligence is a defined range of skills and behaviours that individuals can develop to manage the negative aspects of organisational politics. provides small business resources, advice, and business ideas for entrepreneurs and small businesses to start, manage, finance, and build a business.