Bruce Frankel
The online home of Bruce Frankel, writer, reporter, and poet. At the age of 53, he completed an MFA program at Sarah Lawrence College and began publishing in literary jou...
Lucifer Rising: Barbara Fifield, Author -
Lucifer Rising mixes romance with paranormal intrigue for a thriller that will keep you guessing right up until the very last page. The author, Barbara Fifield, has been...
Bad Idea magazine | Innovation in Action
Bad Idea is an invaluable source of information and quality journalism about cultural and economic innovation in Britain and beyond.
Examples Help
Examples Help! Examples Help provides a wealth of free information relating to the different Parts of Speech, Punctuation, English Grammar and the Definition of Literary...
Gregory & Company Authors Agents, Specialist literary agency, ad...
Gregory & Company Authors Agents are Specialist literary agency of adult fiction and general non-fiction whilst representing authors of crime novels
BR•\ND: Stories, Plays Poems, Creative NonFiction
BRAND LITERARY MAGAZINE focuses on the short form, international writing and left of field work. BRAND publishes original short stories, plays, poems and creative non-fic...
Welcome to the Travel Bookshop website - The Travel Bookshop
Since 1979 our aim has been to offer the literary traveler a complete reading experience of every country in the world. At you can browse the curren...
Greenwich Exchange Publishing
Greenwich Exchange's books are aimed at contributing positive ideas to long term educational interests across a range of subjects including literature, literary criticism...
The Robin Jenkins Literary Award 2008/9
The Robin Jenkins Memorial Literary Award 2008/9, a prestigious new national literary award.