0 Reviews [ tdpf.org.uk ]
Transform is the UK's leading centre of expertise on drug policy reform.
0 Reviews [ mesmo.co.uk ]
Mesmo Consultancy, the leaders in email control and executive coaching for IT fitness. We specialise in helping executives and their organisations
Tasha Foundation - Providing the right interventions to the right people in the right place at the right time
The Matthew Project - help for people with alcohol and drug problems
The College of Auricular Acupuncture offers a Diploma in Auricular Acupuncture. The Diploma comprises three modules, the first of which is a specialised programme for tre...
Substance Misuse Management in General Practice (SMMGP) is a network to support GPs and other primary health care team members who work with substance misuse in the UK.
Smart UK, Substance Misuse and Addiction Acupuncture Register and Training
Fairbridge supports young people aged 13 - 25 giving them the motivation, confidence and skills they need to overcome issues such as drug and alcohol misuse, crime, unemp...