CTC Technology: Model-based Code Generation and Java Persistence
Cut The Crap Software - persistent models and generated systems
Intercytex is a healthcare company using its proprietary cell therapy technology to develop innovative products to restore and regenerate skin and hair.
WELCOME TO MAXIS RESTAURANT - 6 Bingley Street, Leeds, LS3 1LX...
It has been a persistent ambition to create the perfect high-class Chinese restaurant for Managing Director Mr. Raymond Wong.
In 1989 aspiration became reality with the...
VIGIL Online - Home
Vigil, public opinion forum came into being in Chennai, in 1982, as a result of Shri Shivramji Joglekars visionary and persistent effort to bring together persons who wr...
Free forum - vampire-legend.com - Free forum
Free forum Forum for real life vampires A place, a home, for all those who need one for however long they need it. Faction Forum for NWN persistent server Ravenloft: Pris...
Dragon Hearts RPG - Free Role Playing Game - A Persistant Browse...
Dragon Hearts is a free text based role playing game within your browser, the story lines are augmented with special custom art, and new challenges and expansions are alw...
San Felipe, Baja, Mexico. A Visitors' Guide.
A Visitor's Guide to San Felipe community, geography, culture, webcam, real estate and other information.
AWplanet -
AWplanet is a massive 3d multiplayer adventure, with monsters to kill, quests to complete, and treasure to win. You control your own character who will improve and become...