Asidua - Delivering world-class integration, software and consul...
Asidua is a software consultancy and services company, headquartered in Belfast with engineering and sales offices in Birmingham and Dublin. Employing over 130 employees...
Crime Reporting, Crime Mapping, and Crime Analytics | PublicEngi...
PublicEngines' mission is to help organizations prevent, reduce, and solve crime with easy-to-use, cloud-based solutions that supply intelligence and actionable informati...
Blog | Cops 2.0 | Law Enforcement | Technology | Community Relat...
Cops 2.0 is about law enforcement use of technology and communication to serve their publics
Systems World* | Systems World | Derek Hitchins
All things "Systems," Systems thinking, systems design, world class systems engineering, societal systems, complexity, command and control. policing
All Police Jobs - A revolution in police recruitment - Career op...
Police Recruitment website, find all Police jobs in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland and vacancies for your career
Northumbria Police - Policing Newcastle, Northumberland, Sunderl...
Northumbria Police website. We cover Newcastle, Gateshead, Northumberland, Sunderland, South Tyneside and North Tyneside,
Left Foot Forward | Evidence-based political blogging
Left Foot Forward is a political blog for progressives. We provide evidence-based analysis on British politics, news and policy developments.
Norfolk Constabulary
The official Norfolk Constabulary website. In an emergency always dial 999, otherwise dial 101.
EiP - EthicsinPolicing
EthicsinPolicing Ltd has been established to encourage and provide a philosophy of openness and transparency within the international community of law enforcement/policin...

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