0 Reviews [ hiwaar.org ]
منظمة تطوعية غير ربحية تناهض انتهاكات حقوق الانسان والبيئة وتتبني المواهب واصحاب الاحتياجات الخاصة والطلاب والفقراء، تنظم تظاهرات ثقافية وحملات دعم وتصدر دورية ثقافية
I write on my blogs about how I feel about situations of people, government and many other stuff. You are welcome to share in your thoughts.
worldbank.org - The World Bank Group offers loans, advice, and an array of customized resources to more than 100 developing countries and countries in transition
Young Lives is an international study of childhood poverty, involving 12,000 children in 4 countries over 15 years. It is led by a team in the Department of International...
0 Reviews [ deki.org.uk ]
Deki works to reduce poverty in the developing world. We do this by helping individuals like you to lend money directly to people who need it