We provide the right set of tools for making real, face-to-face online qualitative research a reality. VisionsLive.
UK Market Research Company offering qualitative and quantitative market research methods
just-auto provides the automotive industry with world class news, comment and analysis, combined with a comprehensive market research service for all sectors.
Concordance: software for text analysis. Gain better insight into e-texts.
An award winning independent social and market research agency providing insight to UK organisations since 1989
Free Market Research Resources for the Marketing Research Industry available from the Market Research World. Qualitative and Quantitative research explained.
EasyInsites specialises in online custom research panels (sometimes called MROCs) where we provide our client panel owners with the option to open their panel to other re...
People Science and Policy is an independent science policy consultancy specialising in science and society issues.
Research agency Mindspace specialises in audio online focus groups, combining the depth and insight of face-to-face groups with all the convenience of online.