Polari Magazine
LGBTQ magazine About Life, Not Lifestyles
home | First Sunday
FIRST SUNDAY is a Christian fellowship group for people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, transgendered, or questioning their sexuality. We meet at St Columba'...
investigating other people’s beliefs
Left Foot Forward | Evidence-based political blogging
Left Foot Forward is a political blog for progressives. We provide evidence-based analysis on British politics, news and policy developments.
McCann Files, Extensive archive on the Madeleine McCann case, Maddie, The McCanns, Gerry McCann, Kate McCann, Robert Murat, Goncalo Amaral, The Truth Of The Lie
Africa Leader: Regional News Resource for Africa
Online newspaper for Africa, presents breaking local news from African nations and the region weather, RSS feeds, movie and hotel reviews, and facility to add or be email...
NARCISSISTIC PERSONALITY DISORDER - NARCISSISM - project is about dealing with mental issues by being ignorant. Self-righteous thinking, despise, anger & finally question...
AskWhy! Homepage | Christian and Jewish History
AskWhy! Books explains historical Christianity and Judaism, Christian and Jewish origins, history, faults, fallacies, and alternatives, the truth based, not on wishful th...

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