Place North West: Property, Regeneration, Construction News and...
Place North West has the latest North West Property, Construction and Commercial Property News as well as Comment, Features and Analysis from around the North West, inclu...
Triniti Business Property Strategies - Commercial Property Hasti...
Triniti - Commercial Property consultants with a difference. Our focus is to assist small to medium size business occupiers in East Sussex to maximise the performance pot...
J A Rankin Ltd | Commercial Property in Hastings, East Sussex
We are a commercial property company based in Hastings, East Sussex, committed to the continued growth and regeneration of our vibrant town through the ownership and mana...
The Merchant City Initiative
The Merchant City Initiative is an urban initiative at the historic and cultural heart of Glasgow.
Contour Housing - Home - Regeneration and Social Housing Special...
Regeneration, Social Housing, Stock Transfer, Community Cohesion, Asset Management, Social Inclusion, Contour Housing Group, Contour Homes, Peak Valley
Bullock Construction | Home
High-quality construction, Bullock.
Tamar Valley AONB // Home
The Tamar Valley Area of Oustanding Natural Beauty Website - a wide range of information about the Tamar Valley AONB - landscape, history, heritage, community, management...
Construction industry news from the UK's leading construction ma...
The UK's leading magazine for construction professionals featuring the latest news, features and intelligence from the Building industry
Rotherham Investment & Development Office
Rotherham Investment & Development Office (RiDO) is the regeneration arm of Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council's Environment & Development Services. Contact u...

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