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This is the first page at, home of G.E.S. Who! Publications, Inc., Giovanni's Silent Press, and Garth E. Schafer's other web pages.
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New Islamic Directions is dedicated to making lectures, writings, and other material produced by Zaid Shakir available to a wide audience.
New Islamic Directions is dedicated to making lectures, writings, and other material produced by Zaid Shakir available to a wide audience.
New Islamic Directions is dedicated to making lectures, writings, and other material produced by Zaid Shakir available to a wide audience.
New Islamic Directions is dedicated to making lectures, writings, and other material produced by Zaid Shakir available to a wide audience.
New Islamic Directions is dedicated to making lectures, writings, and other material produced by Zaid Shakir available to a wide audience.
New Islamic Directions is dedicated to making lectures, writings, and other material produced by Zaid Shakir available to a wide audience.