- Showcasing Books for Startups and Entrepre...
Visit to get advice, tools,books and services that help your startup grow.
Vikram Somaya - Looking for Silk Cay
online media, personal blog, startups, technology, analytics, advertising, images, visual indexing
Two startups a day | Web ventures that rock! | Venturebin
Web venture & internet business report. We select two web ventures a day. We report web ventures that rocks!. Stay in tune with the latest business.
Startup - Educating startups, entrepreneurs and self made profes...
Dhirubhaism is an online media platform dedicated to educate and help new start ups, entrepreneurs,and all self made professionals. We aim at helping them to face various...
Startup Dispatch - Startup and Technology News covers startup news, along with resources, tools, and advice for entrepreneurs.
Website design / website redesign & SE0 for small business &...
We design & redesign small businesss websites to work on all devices. SEO for small business &amp small business online marketing advice comes as standard
Cool websites
Cool websites, these links have been selected as a useful resource for startups. The goal of our website is to collect, in one place a list of favorite sites.
Business planning, strategic advice, SME, guidance, small busine...
Proven business development strategies and business diagnostic tools to evaluate, finance, and grow your SME small and medium size business
Dillon Hess - Entrepreneur, Web Developer
This is the website of Dillon Hess who is an Entrepreneur, Web Developer, and Follower of Christ. Take a look at his startups, websites, and entrepreneurship blog. | India's first Online Campus Magazine
A CEO of a startup sounds like an exciting work position. One often hears about the success of startups and lot of attention is given to the company CEO. However, a start...

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