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Syndrome Turner Québec -
Child Injury Attorneys | Children Lawyers | Injuries Law Firm in...
The Keane Law Firm is a California personal injury law firm dedicated to seeking justice for children whose lives have been shattered by accident, injury, shaken baby syn...
adventures of a songwriter/musician/translator/father
Empty Nose Syndrome
Non-profit organization founded to inform the public of possible negative side effects related to sinus and turbinate reduction surgery.
Autisable - Real Blogs from People Tackling the Puzzle of Autism
Autisable is a blogging community focused on Autism, Asperger's Syndrome, PDD NOS and other Pervasive Development Disorders.
Noah's Dad: A Blog About Down Syndrome With Videos And Pict...
We invite you to join the story we are telling through our daily one minute videos about our son who was born with Down syndrome. We will share facts, information, therap...
Davids Gift | Autism | Aspergers | Australia
Davids Gift - A book about the Journey from Diagnosis to Graduation of a child diagnosed with Aspergers.
Autisable - Real Blogs from People Tackling the Puzzle of Autism
Autisable is a blogging community focused on Autism, Asperger's Syndrome, PDD NOS and other Pervasive Development Disorders.

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