Polestar Pilates UK
Polestar Pilates UK is an international Pilates teacher training company, with courses designed for rehabilitation and fitness professionals.
TLA - Teacher Learning Academy
Teacher Learning Academy: the TLA helps schools and teachers to focus on professional learning that is practice-based. The TLA can help make your CPD more effective.
Esoteric Astrology, Esoteric Psychology and the Seven Rays
Dr. Douglas Baker, teacher, healer, scientist and pioneer in the esoteric field, Dr. Baker's life's work is to present the Ancient Wisdom and esoteric astrology in the l...
Imagine Teacher | Nintendo DS | Compare Imagine Teacher Prices
Imagine Teacher by Ubisoft is part of the Imagine series of games for the Nintendo DS. Aimed at young girls, Imagine Teacher lets children become teachers of their very o...
Driving Schools Enfield Barnet North London Intensive Courses Au...
Independent Driving Schools Enfield Barnet North London & Hertfordshire Lessons Weekly & Intensive Courses Pass Plus Motorway Tuition Advanced Driving Refresher C...
music tutors uk
Music-Tutors-uk.com is a music tutor locator and all-round interactive music resource site for both tutors, students and anyone else who enjoys music.
Sarah Bell's Watercolour Workshops | Homepage
Sarah Bell's Watercolour Workshops. Watercolour tuition from a professional artist in glorious Devon. An ideal painting holiday or weekend break.