Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism in Israel and the Middle East |...
Analysis on current affairs within Israel and the Middle East concentrating on Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism
All Police Jobs - A revolution in police recruitment - Career op...
Police Recruitment website, find all Police jobs in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland and vacancies for your career
Big Brother Watch
Big Brother Watch fights intrusions on the privacy and liberties of British people.
Civil Society - providing news and in-depth coverage of chariti...
CivilSociety.co.uk delivers comprehensive news, opinion, in-depth articles, best practice guidance, information and intelligence about all aspects of the civil society, n...
Citizen Times | Europas Bürger-Magazin
Citizen Times ist Europas Bürger-Magazin zu Politik & Kultur, Zivilgesellschaft & Engagement | European Citizen Mag on Politics & Culture, Civil Society &...

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