The Physical World website accompanies a series of seven books that provide an introduction to the main ideas and applications of physics. The site has been produced by t...
The Big Bang theory was always inadequate. It tries to relegate electricity to a minor role in space. The universe consists of a series of spiral bodies of diminishing si...
Polished and rough diamond: 4 C's, diamond price, advice, appraisal, bourse, tool, geology, exploitation, processing ore, project, material, directory.
Welcome to - the largest collection of Doctor Who information in the Universe. Take a look at all of the Doctor Who books available, as well as the lates...
A relational database of historical bodybuilding contests, 1938 to present. Search by contest title, year, or bodybuilder's name.
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OGame - The legendary game in the space! Discover the universe together with thousands of players.
Personal information, creative discussion, and thoughts on life the universe and everything
Official website of Bangladesh Astronomical Association (BAA)