Nimu Yarns
Shop powered by PrestaShop
Knitting wool, yarns, patterns and books by Rowan Up Country
Rowan Up Country is a premier retail outlet for Rowan yarns, Jaeger, Debbie Bliss and Louisa Harding designer knitting yarns and patterns
Great British Yarns Home Page
Great British Yarns is an online and mail order stockist of a wide variety of beautiful knitting yarns from British companies and producers.
Rowan Online Yarn Store selling top quality designer yarns.Speci...
Jannette's Rare Yarns Rowan Knitting Yarn Store with worldwide shipping
Laina Crafts Online | Downham Market | Norfolk | UK
Laina Crafts - the online shop for Laina Crafts and Wool Shop in Downham Market, Norfolk with a huge range of craft items for you to buy online!
Peachey Ethknits knitting needlecraft and cross stitch online st...
Peachey Ethknits online wool and needlecraft store sells wide range of knitting and crochet yarns and patterns, cross-stitch, embroidery, tapestry and Rug Kits
Pantherella Home - Makers of fine, hand linked, English socks. M...
Pantherella have been producing high quality men's socks in Leicester, England for almost 70 years, and still manufacture exclusively in the United Kingdom. From the very...
Yarns, Wool, Knitting Patterns and Kits from Cucumberpatch - a&n...
A leading UK retailer of knitting yarns and accessories, Cucumberpatch/Knit2together stock wool, kits and patterns from suppliers including Rowan, Colinette, Wendy and De...
Clare Wools - knitting yarns and haberdashery supplies on-line p...
Clare Wools is a long-established supplier of knitting yarns, haberdashery and knitting accessories in Aberystwyth, renowned for the friendly and helpful advice available...
Jean Moss Handknits and Knitters' Tours
Designer handknits - kits, patterns and readymade, books, knitters' tours, vacations, holidays and workshops

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