西安优势物联网科技有限公司(Xi’an Yours-IOT Tech Co., Ltd)是专业致力于2.4GHz物联网末端产品、解决方案与服务的集成供应商,是国内唯一一家提供芯片级自主知识产权核心技术与产品的高科技企业,拥有一支技术一流、服务意识强的高水平软、硬件研发及实施团队,为各行业客户提供远距离、低功耗的有源射频识别、实时定位、数据...
Virtual Extension makes high performance Wireless Sensor Networks products optimized for Mesh wireless applications - sensors and advanced metering.
PICcoder.co.uk, the definate pic resource. Articles and discussions related to PIC's.
Evangelising wireless applications. How to make eHealth, telecare, smart energy and intelligent telematics work.
Online web shop for the purchase of low cost items from the Nohau UK product portfolio
Supplier of leading edge products to the AV integration market.
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LCD Display and Module Manufacturer, Specialist Component Distribution, HERO Line Card, panel indicators, light pipes, 7segment displays, sensors, RGN modules
Antenova - high performance antennas and RF antenna modules for mobile handsets, portable devices, laptop computers and other consumer electronics and peripheral devices....