1. 1nsk.ru
1nsk.ru is a domain controlled by four name servers at 1nsk.net. Two name servers have the same IP number. All three of them are on different IP networks. The name server 1nsk.ru stated in SOA record
2. mail.1nsk.ru
Mail.1nsk.ru has one IP number , which also has a corresponding reverse pointer. Gorodnsk.ru, pinta.ws, novosibirsk.ws, mail.xenomorph.ru and host.1nsk.ru point to the same IP.
3. 1nsk.ru Site Info
1nsk.ru is one of the top 100,000 sites in the world and is in the Новосибирск category.
4. 1nsk.ru has been valued $17,222 -
1nsk.ru is worth $17,222. This makes delegar.net the 20,217 most valuable site on Stimator.com. 1nsk.ru scored 8 for Page Rank, 179 for Backlinks, and 1 for Traffic Volume.
5. www.1nsk.ru
1nsk ru SmartViper Statistics Mashups. новости, социальная сеть, погода related sites. Advanced keyword suggestions. Last updated on June 18 2010.
6. 1nsk.ru - Quantcast Audience Profile
1nsk.ru. Is this your site? Get Quantified! Site not quantified. Data is estimated. Note: Due to a small data sample, estimates are rough.
7. 1nsk.ru Whois lookup - Whois
ns3.1nsk.net.; 1NSK.RU - Geo Information; IP Address:; Host 1nsk.ru; Location RU, Russian Federation