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3. "Developing new probes for 2DIR spectroscopy" by Michael Walt ...
This dissertation presents preliminary work done to characterize new probes for infrared spectroscopy. The probes studied were the C-D stretch transition and the antisymmetric ...
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All content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License
5. Discriminating early stage Aβ42 monomer structures using ...
Discriminating early stage Aβ42 monomer structures using chirality-induced 2DIR spectroscopy in a simulation study
6. File:2DIR pulse sequence.svg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
2DIR_pulse_sequence.svg (SVG file, nominally 200 × 200 pixels, file size: 515 KB)
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Two Dimensional Infrared Spectroscopy. Two-dimensional infrared (2D IR ... 2DIR spectrum of RNAseA
8. Archive: Relaxation-assisted 2DIR: correlating energy transport ...
Implementation of a novel relaxation-assisted 2DIR spectroscopy method in several molecular systems, including model compounds, peptides, and transition metal complexes, is ...
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