1. mail.abwehr.com.ua
mail.abwehr.com.ua has one IP number (, via cname to kriska.relay.hvosting.ua, which also has a corresponding reverse pointer. Mail.elebis.org, mail.speechki.net ...
2. abwehr.com.ua
Abwehr.com.ua is a domain controlled by two name servers at hvosting.ua. Both are on different IP networks. The primary name server is ns1.kriska.hvosting.ua. Incoming mail for ...
3. abwehr.io.ua
4. Abwehr: Information from Answers.com
Abwehr The Abwehr was the German military intelligence organization from 1866 to 1944. The organization predates the emergence of Germany itself, and
5. Espionage Manual 13 - Achtung Abwehr, German Intelligence in World ...
Espionage Manual 13-Achtung Abwehr is an e-book that provides an overview of several Abwehr spy operations, thumbnail sketches of the Abwehr's Brandenburg Commandos, and the ...
6. Abwehr - Discussion and Encyclopedia Article. Who is Abwehr? What ...
Abwehr. Discussion about Abwehr. Ecyclopedia or dictionary article about Abwehr.
7. The ABWEHR. (1866-1944)
The ABWEHR was very successful in espionage but the overwhelming odds against Germany meant the defeat and humiliation of the country and the closure of the ABWEHR in 1918.
8. Abwehr – FREE Abwehr information | Encyclopedia.com: Find Abwehr ...
Abwehr – Encyclopedia.com has Abwehr articles, Abwehr pictures, video and information at Encyclopedia.com - a FREE online library
9. Abwehr-Украина - информация о компании ...
«Abwehr-Украина»: услуги, продукция, прайс-лист, новости. пр-т Мира 241А, оф.12 г.Чернигов, Украина