1. Adverputt Walkthrough Guide, Review, Discussion, Hints and Tips at ...
Adverputt Walkthrough Guide and Review: Behold, Adverputt! It's a mouse-controlled mini-golf game that embraces commercial solicitation as an aesthetic. Players take aim on a huge ...
2. Adverputt Walkthrough, Help, Hints and Game Discussion.
Adverputt is a casual mini-golf advergame in the form of an executive toy to engage visitors with YOUR brand in a fun and tactile way.
3. Adverputt FAQ
Damp Gnat is the home of Reece Millidge's interactive arts & animation studio in the UK. Our current focus is on developing premium online games with a strong emphasis on design ...
4. Adverputt! | MetaFilter
Combines the best aspects of advertising and miniature golf. Combines the best aspects of advertising and miniature golf. Combines the best aspects of advertising and miniature golf
5. Adverputt
Fun, free and simple to play. No hassles, over 100 hand picked advergames to enjoy and
6. Interactive Adver-Games - 'Adverputt' Online Miniputt is Fun ...
Adverputt Miniputt - Adverputt has come up with an ingenious solution to boring advertising with their 12-hole online Adverputt miniputt course. After all, advertisemen...
7. Adverputt
If you enjoy a game of crazy golf now and then this cleverly addictive mini golf game combines advertising and simple controls.
8. Adverputt - StumbleUpon
I'm with fearophobia regarding perspective, particularly on Hole 3. You have to play the holes to find out what the obstacles are; it's not obvious from just looking at the course.
9. Adverputt Manages To Keep Ads-Filled Flash Game Surprisingly Enjoyable
We all know game advertising is only going to get blatantly more intrusive. But I kinda like what Adverputt did with their mini-golf Flash game, seamlessly