2. AFIA Career Center
Advertise with AFIA in FeedGram, Journal or online! ... AFIA Career Center is the premier electronic recruitment resource for the industry.
3. American Feed Industry Association (AFIA) home
Current News: 08 June 2011 Feed Industry Responds to 3-Nitro Sales Suspension The American Feed Industry Association is closely monitoring the voluntary U.S. sales ...
The Australasian Forum for International Arbitration (AFIA) provides young practitioners with a forum to discuss issues and developments in international arbitration ...
5. Afia
Since returning from Ghana I’ve had absolutely no desire to blog. I apologize to the few people consistently reading, but you can’t force these things.
7. 2011 AfIA - Let them Shine
The awards mission is to generate greater understanding of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), to galvanize public support for their achievement, and ...
Summer 2011 Capsule Collection