1. BIFM (BIFM_UK) on Twitter
BIFM (BIFM_UK) is on Twitter. Sign up for Twitter to follow BIFM (BIFM_UK) and get their latest updates
2. Facilities Management Training Courses by BIFM Training - Welcome
Facilities Management Training - BIFM Training is the most comprehensive & authoritative source of FM Training programmes and Learning & Development Services in the UK
3. Home - Engineering Personnel
EngineeringPersonnel. The independent specialist Job Board for all engineering personnel is coming soon. Already Google page 1 for Engineering Personnel
4. engineeringpersonnel.co.uk
EngineeringPersonnel. The independent specialist Job Board for all engineering personnel is coming soon. Already Google page 1 for Engineering Personnel
5. Bifm Jobs, Vacancies, Recruitment | Indeed.co.uk
Job search for 101 Bifm Jobs, Vacancies, Recruitment at indeed.co.uk. one search. all jobs.
6. BIFM/CoreNet Global UK Chapter event: Procuring estates and ...
How do you create a harmonious strategic relationship between occupiers and suppliers? This was the core question at yesterday's BIFM technical forum event.
7. Ian Broadbent (ibroadbent_bifm) on Twitter
Great #bifm north members day today thanks all who attended and yr feedback, national members day 23/6 www.bifm.org.uk/bifm/events/view/1956 about 4 hours ago via web