1. Cantabile - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cantabile is a musical term meaning literally "singable" or "songlike". It has several meanings in different contexts. In instrumental music, it indicates a ...
2. Cantabile
Play VSTs, trigger media clips, instantly switch between songs, integrate with your existing hardware, control it all via MIDI and simply perform better.
3. Cantabile Children's Chorus
Cantabile 2010 website ... Welcome to Silicon Valley's premier youth choir and music education program, enrolling K-12 students from both Santa Clara and
4. cantabile: Definition from Answers.com - Answers.com: Wiki Q&A ...
Library > Literature & Language > Dictionary ( kän-tä ' bĭ-lā ' ) Music . adv. & adj. In a smooth, lyrical, flowing style. Used chiefly as a direction. n. A ...
5. cantabile - Wiktionary
A tempo mark directing that a passage is to be played in a lyrical manner · (music) A passage having this mark · played in this style; singingly, lyrically
6. Cantabile Choirs of Kingston
Five choirs, membership by audition. Information about their CD, performances, touring and tickets.
7. cantabile
cantabile hébergé par OverBlog ... Textures existe maintenant depuis 1 an, je m'y sens quelquefois un peu à l'étroit, j'avais envie de prendre un peu de recul, c'est la ...
8. Cantabile Vocal Ensemble
Arcadia Players presents the vocal ensemble Cantabile in a concert of works on the theme of love and marriage by the Renaissance composer Orlando di Lasso.
9. Cantabile - St. Cloud State University
How Do I Schedule My Audition? Please call the SCSU Music Department at 320.308.3223 AFTER MAY 10 to schedule a 10 minute audition. Questions about Cantabile?