1. Tongzhou Travel Guide: Facts, Tourist Attractions, Beijing China
Local Products: Three treasures including Fried Catfish of the Xiaolou Restaurant, Sweetened Baked Wheaten Cake of Dashunzhai Restaurant, Tongzhou Fermented Beancurd
2. Yunnan Features
Crisscrossing a tractor path, soon the large village of Dashunzhai 大顺寨, the "Big Village By The River" becomes visible across the valley.
3. Sweet Baked Cake(Tang Huo Shao)
... baked cake are sesame paste and brown sugar, which are healthy, making the snack very suitable for elderly people. The most famous store where one can buy these cakes is Dashunzhai ...
4. Tang Huo Shao (Sweetened Baked Wheaten Cake) - The Official ...
Dashunzhai Restaurant Niujie Branch. Address: Islam Supermarket, Niujie Road, Xuanwu District. Huguosi Snack Bar. Address: 93#, Huguosi Street, Xicheng District
5. Tang Huo Shao (Sweetened Baked Wheaten Cake) - Tourism - ChinaA2Z
Dashunzhai Restaurant Niujie Branch Address: Islam Supermarket, Niujie Road, Xuanwu District. Huguosi Snack Bar Address: No. 93, Huguosi Street, Xicheng District Tel: +86-010 ...
6. Tanghuoshao - Le site officiel des Jeux Olympiques de Beijing 2008
L'enseigne la plus connue proposant le tanghuoshao est Dashunzhai. Où goûter ? Dashunzhai. Adresse : Supermarché musulman à Niujie Arrondissement Xuanwu Beijing
7. 59012 Domain Names Registered on 5/31/2009 (Page 27)
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8. Ministry of Commerce of the P.R.China - China Commodity Net
Red Jujube Juice: Foshan Huanghai Huangqi Yanshan Health Care Food Factory : Jujube Paste Pastry: Beijing Dashunzhai Food Co., Ltd.
9. Sweet Baked Cake (Tang Huo Shao)
The most famous store where one can buy these cakes is Dashunzhai, located at 130 Xinhuadajie, Tongzhou District in Beijing City.